Eureka Pet Co
See the results from a perfectly executed rebrand, website refresh and organic search growth strategy for up-and-coming premium dog food brand Eureka Pet Co.
A Sunday Supply Co sun umbrella and low lying chair on a beach
Find our how Sunday Supply Co, an Australian lifestyle brand creating some of the highest quality beach products, used e-commerce to go up against the big box stores in search and win.
interior of a light filled Edwards and Co hair salon with light brick walls and rounded window frames
The Edwards And Co website had a good level of ranking authority, but it wasn’t optimised for national and local keywords that would bring in quality salon bookings, education leads and online haircare product sales. Learn how our team developed a national SEO strategy to catapult all three business goals.
image of a couple walking towards a helicopter on top of a dry grassy hill
One Fine Day had just completed their brand new website and were ready to go live but with one last hurdle: the old One Fine Day website had some valuable search rankings.

We brought value to the process by partnering with One Fine Day to build a solid SEO migration and growth plan.
exterior of a beachside home completed by peninsula homes
Almost 10 years on, Peninsula Homes has the best local business rankings & online presence of any builder in the area. We catch up with the Peninsula Homes team on a monthly basis to keep the game plan tight.
zoomed out view of mining site at night lit up by machinery lights
The Argent Minerals website needed an urgent update in order to improve its mobile usability and SEO.

The company had some stiff competition in the junior explorer mining category and wanted to improve their SEO to make it easier for investors to find them.
interior of office space wall with light coloured panelling
The Stack Panel team were losing rankings and sales after migrating to a new website. Scott got in touch with us to see what we could do to help and the results speak for themselves.

The Stack Panel team listened to our content recommendations and were quick to implement our recommended pages with detailed, readable and optimised content, achieving great rankings!